quandum phone

i think people here are unreliable. that’s not entirely fair since there are people that are, and that’s not to say in don’t know some unreliable people in vancouver, but i think i know more unreliable people here than there.

at the start of the summer i decided that as many weekends as possible i would go camping. sadly that hasn’t happened, mostly because i find that i hold out a lot to see if people will actually do what they say.

gonna run out of weekends pretty quick here… the next couple of weekends have things lined up that i could go to, but honestly, i doubt i’d have any qualms about fucking off for the few day without any heads up. it’s only fair right? you plan something, don’t hear anything, it’s bust, fuck yourself i can do it just as well.

my tent’s over there going “you tell ’em steve dave!”

i bet no one will get that reference.

i looked at a new place on friday, going to look at another one tomorrow. i have to pick one by the end of the week because i’m done living next to a trailer park, I’m done living across the way from two bars, three liquor stores, a gas station, the main road through town and street lights where assholes in lifted trucks need to rev their fucking engines at 3am just to make it clear they have no balls.

i’ve been reading a lot of stephen baxter lately. if you’re not a hard sci-fi fan, i’d suggest you skip most of them. if, however, you can make it through books that involve lengthy plots surrounding quantum physics then i’d say go for it. i read his stuff because it’s engaging and intelligent. i also read it because it serves to remind me how pithy humanity truly is in the entire scope of the cosmos. one of the interesting aspects that i find in these books is the approach of some characters to religion. today i was thinking about it and thought that religion, any religion I’m not picking out any one in particular, is incredibly self-centered. let’s just use catholicism/christianity because they’re the easiest examples.

apparently god made everything, or so the story goes. yadda yadda bible stories, point of it is that god sends his one begotten son to earth to take care of the sins of humanity. right. now to put that in perspective about how incredibly selfish that is. one group of people on one plant in one solar system out of hundreds and hundreds of thousands in a galaxy. if i were some little green man on another planet in another solar system that’s hundreds and hundreds of thousands away on the other side of the galaxy and i heard that ‘those humans think it’s all about them’ i’d be a little contrite.

same goes for people who, for whatever reason, assume that the universe is empty and humanity is the only conscious mind worth having or knowing or whatever. bigger perspective. there are more than 170 billion galaxies in the observable universe, each with comprised of billions and billions more stars that, as we’re rapidly discovering, have billions of planets toiling around with them spread across a universe 93 billion light years in diameter. you’re either stupid or ignorant to think that life revolves around humanity. in the same regard, you’re also either stupid or ignorant to think that all the mysteries of the universe will be solved in your lifetime. that’s why they’re mysteries of the universe, they’re very very large and take a very very long time.

anyway. that went a little wide on the tangent side didn’t it? meh.

i made mango rice today. that was my contribution to existence.

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