you shoud give farts a chance

so this random stolen wireless signal from the neighbours is deciding to suck right now, but it’s still working enough so that it’s not a complete waste of time.
i haven’t had much time to go take pictures of anything. mostly because i havent been going to bed til 3am and sleep in til 10 or 11 then get up and go to the library to work on the thesis and then it’s dark out.
in the morning i have to get up early cause we’re going to wrap presents for Santa’s Anonymous.
ok, so apparently if you pluralize Santa, blogger tells you it’s a spelling mistake. maybe it’s like Highlander? THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE…santa CLAWS!!!!



i thought the week was going by real fast til i looked at the calendar this morning and was like “WTF? christmas is way the hell next thursday? goddamn that’s a long time…”

my zip jacket/sweater thing smells like dog drool. cause it got drooled on hardcore tonight having dinner when a very curious nose was trying to explore my pulled pork sammich.

fyi, again, not my dog. neighbour’s dog. except that it pretty much half lives at my parent’s place so it’s the closest thing to a dog we’ve got. just so long as i dont have to clean up any dog shit or barf. i still want a pug. cause they’re awesome and funny and LOOKIT THEIR FACE!

see more puppies

see more puppies

see more puppies

see more puppies

see more puppies

see more puppies

see more puppies

see more puppies

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