going around the house saying pew pew pew!

fell off the blog wagon there for a bit. actually, I keep meaning to. it’s one of those things where you sit down at the computer and say “ok, right after I get done with this…” and then you get caught up in something and don’t actually write anything. then you tell yourself “it’s ok, tomorrow…” and then the same thing.

I havent even uploaded the pictures i took in vancouver for my birthday.

for recaps of the weekend that I mostly participated in on Friday and then participated in much less on Saturday, read what Danielle has here: Friday or Saturday

then i went to Prince George this past weekend. it smelled like donkey butt. it was a fun game to ref, even if it was a blowout by Red Deer. I can’t actually find any pictures of it anywhere… rest assured, I have a rather long video that I’m putting together that chronicles the trip coming shortly.

this weekend I’m off to Edmonton to catch a Dreadnoughts show. that’ll be good times.

last weekend of march, up to edmonton again to ref another game. more good times.

now, sleep. sleepy good times.

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