pay people to lift heavy things

VDay 2011
VDay 2011-2
VDay 2011-3
VDay 2011-5

my eyes are sweating. i’m of the mind that i should be hopeful that means that whatever germs have decided to invade my body are leaving that way. they’re still clinging on in my throat though. i came home today after a project meeting. i think i’ll go get some dayquil or something later and suffer through it at work this week. i have too much to do to miss much time doing things.

this is the dinner i made for Vday last night. i figured that i’d drive out to Sylvan and buy everything there and just go make it so it was ready when Aimée got home. it mostly worked out. except that no place in sylvan had fresh mussels. so i had to drive back to red deer to get them. then back out there. i also couldnt find any creme fraiche anywhere, even if the recipe assured me that it would be super easy to find at any grocery store. fucking liar.  so, instead, I melted a package of pepper boursin cheese and added sour cream. it was kind of amazing. i ad libbed some things for this since there was no pasta or avocado in it. it was pretty simple to make. melt butter in a large pan, cut two large onions into rings, three stalks of celery into 1/2 inch pieces, throw them in until the onion turns clear. throw in the mussels. stir them around a bit. pour in some white wine, fresh thyme and bay leaves. cook it all for 10 minutes. mix in two large spoonfuls of the cheese mix, get your plates ready. i made a nest of angel hair pasta, spooned on some mashed avocado on it, then added the mussels, onions and what have you. on top, a dollop of the cheese and avocado. yeah, it was as delicious as you think it sounds. top it off with chocolate cake.

you’re welcome.

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