viewer discretion advised, but not really

This is what happens when you put four geeks in one car for a weekend roller derby road trip. apart from the songs and comics and general squeaky voices, we found time to fit a derby game in there.

I didn’t get to ref this one because of last minute official changes, but i did get to penalty track for Red Deer which basically meant standing in the middle of the floor for the whole game finding out that penalty tracking is NOT a relaxing NSO position. holy fuck. and it has to be said, the reffing was not the best ever, so that added a bit to the chaos.

Saskatoon were gracious hosts and much like the US olympic hockey team pulled close, but in the end lost out to the Belladonnas. 108 – 102 final.

oh right, and i found out that cramming four or five people in a motel room where two people snore… yeah. it can drive you batshit crazy but leave you too tired to really do much about it other than swear a lot. oh, and punch someone in the face in your sleep apparently. but to be fair, i DID say I’d do that if anyone did snore.

so now monday is pretty well over, leaving a scrimmage in edmonton to ref tomorrow night, practice on wednesday, and then GETTING ON A PLANE AND GETTING THE FUCK OUT TO VANCOUVER ON THURSDAY!!!!!!

holy fuck I can’t wait. this weekend was fun, but the whole time in my head I was going “FLYING AWAY TO VANCOUVER SOON!!!!”

I was going to buy groceries today and then realized that i’m only home for four days in the next two weeks. leave thursday for vancouver, get back sunday night, monday morning I’m off to Fort Mac for the week for work. should be hectic and interesting and hopefully a pretty awesome two weeks.

oh, and I just have to say… closing ceremonies. what. the. fuck?

that is all.

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