somewhere with directions

so, i got lost twice tonight.

shit. i lost. fack.

anyway, i booked it home after work so i could drive up to edmonton in time to make it to the E-Ville roller derby season opener exhibition game. i’ll have pictures up later.

i know how to get to basically two places in edmonton. mostly because they’re in a straight line. ok, well, three places since downtown is a right turn and then pretty much follow the road. in any case… if i have to go to any other place in town i guarantee you i will get lost. even with google maps and a paper map of the city sitting on the passenger seat. twice.

but. in my defense, the second time was because the police decided that they’d conveniently barricade the east bound lanes of the very large and uni-directional highway that i had used to get where i was going thus forcing me to turn in directions i had not planned on, nor knew where they went.

you know that point where you stare at a map long enough and then you start to feel bad about having to call someone at night to ask how the hell to get where you want so you start thinking ‘who can i phone who will either be still awake or will laugh at me the least in the morning?’


and then when they don’t answer you’re like…fack… and you have to suck it up and phone the house phone and cringe slightly at the fact that you’re very likely waking people up who would rather you not have woken them up to ask for directions while you have the afore mentioned map and google maps with you…

and then when you have it figured out, you suddenly realize that the police and sheriffs are out in force for who knows what reason and you can’t give it just a little more gas to make it home a little earlier to make sure you get a decent sleep before getting up early and running around farm fields all day the next day.

but whatever.

also, checking your voicemail (because you turned your phone off because the battery was rapidly leaching life) after turning it on to find out where to go and seeing you have a message that entails “i dont know if you’re invited to this party but you are now so give me a call back” and you’re all “damn! wrong city!” but then you call back to say ‘damn, wrong city, plus, I’m actually lost in the city where i was born.” and this is why i can tell you all that roller derby people are super cool. even if i’m an hour and a half north. but whatever.

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