no safety or surprise, the end

once I was very used to packing up and moving around every eight months. I’ve been at my current place of residence for just over two years now. in ten days I’ll be putting up shelves and organizing the stereo in a new city, with a new job and new things to explore.

once i wrote about how long it had taken me to actually feel like I deserved to call myself a Vancouverite. i’ve never switched my drivers license over, i’ve always had a permanent address at my parents place, but regardless of these things, I’ve spent the last five years becoming more and more attuned with this city and the people in it. it took me a good four years to stop and realize that I actually felt deserving enough to say I belonged here. I think for this reason I can honestly say that I might move to other places, but believe with a good degree of certainty that Vancouver will ultimately be the city I will come back to and call home.

I’ve lived all across the country, I’ve made incredible friends, but the only friends I would actually consider my family are here. If I’m totally honest with myself, then yeah, it sucks having to move away from that, but at the same time everyone has their different paths through life. Mine just happens to take the  more nomadic roads sometimes.

I will miss my friends. I will miss my friends who are my family in this city. you can be sad or upset that I’m leaving but if I’m a part of your family too then you are still allowed to be upset but you also know that some ties will never be broken.

in any case, I thought I’d get that out of the way because I’d rather the next week not be something that drags everyone down. I’m still here, so let’s make the next few days really count.

8 Thoughts.

  1. Dude, I wont lie- this blows. No more robin williams recitals, we’d just broken into arrogant worms… tragic… LETS GET BOMBED!!!

  2. Like I said in the text, firstly, congrats. Secondly, Vancouver is your home.

    You’ll be back.

  3. Congratulations, you do deserve a wonderful job and I’m happy you’ve finally found that. I’m sure it will bring you a lot of great things… It’s just unfortunate that you have to be so far away to get those. You’ll be back, let’s just hope it’s sooner than later.

  4. Aw Pat I have little tears in my eyes from this even though I’m not a Vancouverite I’m feeling you, good luck with everything wherever you go, your family will always love you.

  5. aawwww….ive never commented here and I dont read your blog often, but i know you through Danielle’s site…we’ve met once or twice…
    And now Im sad too!!!

    Im such a lush 🙁

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