it might sound kind of cosmic

on boardboatingisland in the sunhang timebrightestcampfiredown the trackspiercrane yardsidewallsame old song and danceQuay2Quay1CranesDrydock3Drydock2

here’s what i learned today; i you’re taking pictures along train tracks and you’re listening to music and suddenly you think “hey I don’t remember there being bells in this song…” it probably means you should get out of the way. or at least step to the side because it’s moving super slow and then cringe because the screeching noise it makes is fucking horrible.

this whole not doing anything for a few days is pretty goddamn boring now that i think of it.

im glad i went for a wander today though. it was nice to just wander around and take pictures of stuff. i haven’t done that enough lately. it’s a good way to just let your mind wander and forget stuff.

just letting your mind go off on it’s own is something too many people forget to do too often.

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