i should buy a another monitor and keep it in my locker here that i dont really use anymore so i can rock the dual monitors here in the lab and not just at home where i don’t actually do as much work. that would make the whole multiple pdf’s, word documents and excel sheets open all at once way easier to manage. i have Spaces set up so it’s easy enough to go through it all with a keystroke, but still, there’s something to be said for just dragging info from one screen to another…

i’ve been living off of Timmy’s breakfasts and A&W dinners for a while. i’ve already lost track of when the last time i actually cooked my own food was. ok, well yesterday cause i had hotdogs, but before that…

last night i had a serious case of the thesis block. i managed a paragraph in three hours. today i’ve just about finished the entire draft of my intro section my prof wants in half the time.

except i did not have any pens at all so i had to go all the way down to the bookstore to buy a single fucking pen. do you know how many pens cost more then 4$? a lot. why the hell would you pay 4 or 5$ for a pen? come to think of it, you know what i dont get? when i finished my undergrad a bunch of people gave me pens. those ones in the big boxes with ribbons that you never really open or use. i looked up the lot of them and they average about 60$ per pen. two questions; why do people think that a 60$ pen is a good gift, and why would you spend $60 on a pen in the first place?

just because i can…


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