Girl Wedged Under the Front of a Skytrain

tonight is Matt Good concert number six pour moi. im goin it alone this time. well, k, i know some people who’ll be there but that’s a technicality since every other time i’ve actually gone and sat with friends. or stood. whatever.
ummmmmmm, so yeah, i’ve never been to this particular venue tonight so as for what Row N seat 14 means, not sure if that’s good thing or not. i should have waited til after the presale and scored some better tickets methinks.
seeing as how i missed the last acoustic tour this should make up for it nicely. N is like halfway down the alphabet so im trying to figure out how this is going to affect pictures because having to rely on the zoom too much is gonna suck nutsack.
coincidentally enough, i seem to have hit a bit of a reprieve from class work tonight. on monday we get our first overnighter for our analysis class. noon monday to 9 am tuesday to write a 2400 word essay on three questions. RED BULL.
oh and this time there wont be some bitchy hostess not letting people in to places.

also, i dearly hope that they unfuck the skytrain before i have to go downtown tonight because it was pretty much mass confusion all morning after one section lost power.

also i watched the dollar hit parity this morning eating breakfast. it was kind of neat.

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