your dust for bones

today’s quote of the day, not spoken by me…

“i wish i was wet because im so hot.”

i hate family politics. it annoys the hell out of me when someone stays up and waits for you to get home JUST so they can tell you that they didnt like that you went out with your friends tonight.

today was well balanced though between the “shake your head in annoyance shit” and the “im having a super dooper fun time shit”.

even though everything thing i did at work pretty much has to be redone in the next few days because once again i was told to go paint field lines. in the rain. with water based paint.
what happens when you put all those things together?
no lines and lots of wasted paint.

two hour lunch and entertainment paid for by taxpayers money? cant argue with that one.

the fact that its pissing rain and i might get sent home early tomorrow? also cant argue with that.

and i guess people spend lots of spare time thinking about me…

FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
ive figured out what you are
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
you what?
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
what you are
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
what am i
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
you are one of those uni students that are way too smart and actually understand political humor and are like good at everything
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
you havent seen me pull off any rez humour yet
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
well…still …
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
member clueless?
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
the movie
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
wasnt that blonde chick in it?
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
no, not really
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
see, but im from alberta
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
redneck humour still rules everything
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
ok so you are excused
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
•Þa±z• – someone put some liberal on ann coulter’s face. says:
so now what am i?
FORZA AZZURRI – scusa…im outta here says:
umm the same but you have a red neck

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