I Live on Bespin

for the last two days it’s been sunny up here. and foggy down there. like we live on top of the clouds.
it was funny watching all the people climb onto the roof of Shrum this afternoon with their cameras.
if it’s like that again tomorrow afternoon i might wander somewhere where there are no other people and just sit and watch for a while.
i’m allowed to have my cheesey solitary moments too.
it might help considering that i’ve hit the point in the semester where i’ve got enough work to push my brain into tripping out on its own all of a sudden like it did in my soc tutorial today and let me watch all the neat little flashes and colours on the walls.
other than the random hallucinations, i’ve found a bit of peace of mind lately.
my soc prof provided some much needed perspective today. he’s a cool dude.
almost finished the semester.
only two more weeks of bullshit.

current mood: “Disposition” by Tool

2 Thoughts.

  1. some might say your living on cloud nine. thats right i went there. some people call me pun dawg.

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