the physical demands of logging

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so this one time I won a contest at a local pub to have a feature hamburger for a month. obviously, this means that the Captain Scotty burger will be enjoyed by many people in a more fancied up version. it also means that I get a month of free food. and, much like the original Iron Chef noted, the people’s ovation and fame forever.

so, starting May 6, if you are in the area of Red Deer or Sylvan Lake, get your ass over to Cities Gastro Pub and chow down on a Captain Scotty burger and know what true taste bud slaying amazingness is.

it’s finally warming up. FINALLY. this means yard work can begin in earnest. it was warm enough last weekend to get a good start on things. got the front and back lawn cleaned up and fertilized, fixed the greenhouse roof, and planted some seeds. Next up: redo the area around the back of the house and get some sweet peas planted. I’m going to extend the rock border all the way to the base of the deck. I want to put two gravel areas in the corners with some grasses in them. plus, that gets rid of the mud spot under the water spigot.

I also want to move the rocks that were all put on one side of the yard, organize them better and put down some really simple ground cover plants in like a Scotch Moss. I want to try and buy seeds this year since seedlings get really fucking expensive. and I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on seedlings this year.

i will have to buy some bags of dirt though. I can’t really dig any up in the yard without leaving a big hole with nothing to fill it with… so that’s kind of unavoidable… I don’t really want to buy any more planters, so I might try to recycle some random things into them. I have an old washing machine drum to use. that’s about it… scrounge time!

doing yard work makes me miss working for the County. outside, fresh air, you actually see a physical representation of the work you’ve done. sunburns. an excuse to buy a slurpee. some people think it’s a chore. I don’t, doing work in the yard is something to relish. it’s an idea come to life. maybe less dog poo to clean up would be nice though.

I tried to convince Aimée that she should learn to rake the yard. apparently raking is my job. I can live with that. BUT IT WOULD BE NICE TO HAVE SOME HELP YOU KNOW…..

the previous owners left piles of rail ties, bricks, random wood and shit here. it’s a small gold mine of free yard materials. also, the Canadian Tire in town puts all of its pallets out for people to take, so that’s helpful when one wants to build a compost bin and not buy a premade one. I did that too, built a compost bin. to compost things. and feed it to my plants. like the little shop of horrors but without killing anyone.

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