The Doc’s alive

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these are pretty much all the pictures I took over jebusmas. I don’t have any at all from new year’s eve, day or any other day following. because that’s what happens when you go to work on December 31st feeling a bit off and by 3pm you’re laid out in bed knowing you’re probably not going to the dinner you were supposed to go to.

then three days later you finally wake up and realize it’s maybe over.

did you know that you can’t get the night time NeoCitran until August now because of some stupid factory mistake? Yeah, Aimée had to deliver that news to me as I was looking up from the couch last night.

Here’s a list of all the pills I’ve ingested since Monday:


Tylenol Complete

Gravol Ginger

Benylin All in One

Buckley’s Complete

NeoCitran Day

Yep. my liver loves me just as much as If I’d gone out on New Year’s eve.

so do my insides. because nothing says gastric happiness like three days of soup and crackers and then eating some solid food.

now aimée’s starting to get it. I feel bad because we had stuff planned for the weekend, and if it hits her like it did me, all that’s out.

but! it gives her an excuse to lay on the couch and watch bad movies. like Fantastic Four 2. And John Hughes movies that are on repeat.

I’ve slept in every bed in the house trying not to wake her up coughing and sputtering. I’m not sure that worked. especially since Bernard decided that he needed to patrol the Sick One all night.

right now Hook is on.

I was having some weird dream right before I woke up this morning. I often have really visual and livid dreams, so sometimes waking up is a bit disorienting. like this morning when I was dreaming about something, can’t remember what, but I was standing upright, and then I woke up and opened my eyes and was suddenly sideways in bed. that shit is not fun. it’s like waking up in an episode of Fringe.

time to try some rice and see what happens.