this throne has bones and brittle

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it has occurred to me that I’ve never seen Blade Runner start to finish. I mean, this has occurred to me on several occasions, but it’s on right now and it’s just reminded me about it again.

I probably should at some point seeing as how there are rumours of it being remade. plus there’s the whole discussion about it being in the same universe as Alien.

of course, as I say this the PVR tells me that since there are two shows recording at the same time now, I can’t watch a third channel, thus again throwing a wrench into the whole let’s try to watch as much of it as possible.

next weekend we’re going to fairmont for a few days. we’re staying right here. in fact, if you’d like to go to fairmont, then you could rent it too. but not when we’re using it.

all the Italians are coming out in May for a bit before we head out there in June for Fubar 4.0: Fuckin Giv’r Four Times Over! I sort of have this running list of things that are supposed to end up going in the back of chad and danielle’s car when they leave. antlers… coasters made out of wood… i think that’s it for now. so… yeah that’s not much of a list is it. you know, I’ll add river or lake rocks to that, because today i told her we’d head out to Abraham Lake for a day and check that out. plenty of stuff to pick up there.

I have enough logs sitting around to do the coasters. I just need a vise. and warm up my chainsaw.


fuck yes I’m using my chainsaw for that, I don’t care if it’s just to cut half inch slices out. you don’t NOT use a chainsaw for that!

I need to rebuild our firepit in the spring, no way it’s making it another year. Aimée’s cousin says he has a crusher cone for us, which would be awesome. I know exactly where I’d put it. except he forgets it sometimes. which is fine, because then I get to geek out looking at the Home Depot website at firebrick.

is geek out appropriate there? can you really geek out about fire brick?

I’m going to start coming up with a plan for the yard. And then I have to see how cheap I can do it for. after I cleared out that big section of bush over the summer, there’s a big chunk of ground that needs roto tilling, and either be seeded or fixed up into something. this is where river rocks and funky looking dead trees come into play.

if we don’t end up with the crusher cone, I’m going to redo the pt with cinder blocks and put it about ten feet further out that it is so I can make it bigger.

I had something clever and witty on the tip of my tongue, and then I looked over at the dvds and saw The Goonies and then I forgot what I was thinking about.

Chunk has that power.

Right then, Geoff, shall we go to commercials?