three chapters of nothing

full set here

so i was right when i said that shaw would send someone here when i wasnt home after i told them dont send somone until after 5 because i wont be home. i told several of their CS people that. im not sure what’s so hard to understand about that, but I guess it is. in any case, i had to have the reschedule for next week for a time when i will be here. plus the dude i talked to today went more than out of his way to try and book a service tech before next week but couldnt, so he nixed my bill for this month and for may.

so now that that’s kind of solved… i could enjoy new episodes of (pixelated) Deadliest Warrior while enjoying a glass of Bruichladdich. actually, i found out that the Bruichladdish distillery produces the peatiest scotch in the world. so i pretty much immediately tried to find a place in alberta or bc that sold it and when i couldnt i emailed the distillery to find out if they even export it to canada. if they don’t i might have to use some tax return money to see if i can have some shipped here. i’d love to get my hands on their Black Art special but that might be impossible given the limited run and how much it probably costs.

I am by no means an expert on scotch at all, and much as I hate to admit it, it was chad that started me on it. but it’s more of a fluke why i happened upon peaty scotch and took a really liking to it. when i was writing my thesis i went down to harbour center early one day at about 8am to start working. by about 10am I’d hit that point where all you do is rewrite the same sentence for hours and feel frustrated that nothing is going right. so at ten in the morning i figured fuck this, walked down to the liquor store on the bottom level, stopped in front of the scotch shelf, grabbed one and dropped $95 i probably didnt have to spend, went and bought a glass, marched back up to the lab, sat down and proceeded to start drinking at 10:10am. turns out it was a fantastic bottle of Ardbeg 10 year. thanks to chad’s drinking habits and a few rounds at the Hopscotch Festival, I’ve been able to sample lots of distilleries, and lots of vintages. but i totally twigged on the peat flavour of the Ardbeg. so when i saw the Bruichladdich i had to see how it stacked up. there’s just something about the body and the smell of it that draws me more than the less peaty bottles. that being said, I’ll not turn down a Laphroiag or McCallan 18, or if I could ever find it anywhere Caol Ila (which arguably is the best scotch I have ever had the pleasure of tasting but hard as shit to find). but that peat. just getting a whiff of it calms me right down. I can definitely taste the difference between this Bruichladdich and the Ardbeg. Where the Ardbeg was much more smoky and mellow, this is sharper and a little more layered. i have to say that I still prefer the ardbeg, but they didnt have any at the store i bought this at, and as the tin collection at chad and danielle’s proves, you won’t regret trying new bottles.

i have friday off. im going to the bank to learn about rrsps.

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