But It’s No Good

i don’t understand how you don’t need administrative privileges on a work network to download and install much better and faster browers so you don’t ever have to deal with the horror show that is IE6 but you DO need them to install flash, which is already installed in IE6. that is, in the parlance of our times, lame.

I’m sure a lot of people in the IT department get annoyed when people who don’t work in the IT department figure out that there’s actually something better than Explorer and then go and install it and then if they have connectivity problems the IT people get annoyed that they have to work around something that isn’t a piece of shit browser.

the default search engine on our work computer was Bing. this took me completely by surprise. also, Bing is garbage. i have thus avoided it by finding out that i can install both firefox and chrome, minus flash plugins, and google the shit out of everything.

today i got a free book of matches. i know they aren’t really free because i paid for other stuff, basically meaning the matches are covered in that cost, i had no intention of buying matches and i never knew i got a pack of matches until i was down the street. ergo, free.

i get paid tomorrow. friday i’ll start moving my stuff up to the third floor. saturday i’ll finish that.

i’ve never really lived in an apartment complex before, and the closest approximation i have to it is living in rez, so lately i’ve been slipping back into that mindset a bit. not a lot, more just in the fact that in rez you pay attention to the habits of the people you live around. thus, you get to know people. here, not so much. there are only fifteen people that live in this building, I’ve met one. coincidentally, this one person is going to be my new neighbour as of this weekend. as it stands, the only other person i’ve really seen is The Girl in 102. I have no idea what The Girl in 102 does except for drive a red Ford Ranger with a small graphic of a stripper on a chair on the window, wears 5 inch heels with sparkly things on them, has a pair of green shorts, and has friends who look like they’d feel right at home at Republik. and that her and said friends will take a limo to go drinking on a sunday night. where one would go in a limo here, I have no clue.

Apart from The Girl in 102, it’s like people here never leave. or come home. or either. which to me is strange, especially considering the number of people in the building. you’d think there’d be more passing by in the parking lot or out front, but nope.

oh, and I know that Guy in 105 has no qualms about riding his bike down the hall every so often.

really, it’s strange to me. i spent so many years living around other people that if you didn’t know 90% of everyone you were that weird person that people made up stories about. you know, the one person on the floor that no one ever sees, but then when someone runs across them in the bathroom or kitchen then you go tell everyone else that “holy crap they do exist!”

that was like the guy who lived at the opposite end of the hall from adam and i at UofO. everyone knew he was there, but you’d be lucky if you saw him once a month. and then he was the cause of the Great Bathroom Debacle that resulted in the cleaning staff refusing to clean the guys washroom fora few days. then not only was he the mystery guy who would never show up, he was the mystery guy who would never show up that all the other guys had a hate on for for covering a few stalls and showers with shit between him and a friend or two after too many beers. see why it’s not good to be the mystery person?

2 Thoughts.

  1. See, I find it odd that in our massive apartment complex, I only ever see the same 5 or so people. It freaks me out that I have the same coming-and-going patterns as the guy on 7, the girl who is the identical twin of someone in my book club, and the short drunk guy with the lazy eye.

  2. That one limbo driver in Red Deer needs business you know.

    I hate that need for space I don’t miss that about living in an apartment building, pretending I can’t hear people fighting and having sex while making “small talk.”

    I’d rather be known than mystery person or “that girl who has the loud cats upstairs.”

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