very much in health terms

i never used to worry about april fool’s pranks when i lived in rez because i’d go into detail the revenge pranks that i’d pull on people.  these were most definitely not subtle and ranged from antiquing to pennying to tying everyone’s doorknobs together so no one could get out. i never had to antique anyone, or tie the doors together, but i have penneyed doors. and wrapped kitchens up in bubble wrap. and removed all the knobs off any thing with knobs on it that people need. and covered the floors of hallways with clear packing tape with the sticky side up. and things involving things full of water tipping. and things with glue. and stinkombs and water balloons and corny gags with fake soap. oh, and sealing someone in their room with plastic wrap, cardboard and bubble wrap and putting up SARS health warnings all over it and actually having them be afraid to try and tear it down. that one, i didnt think that would happen, but it added a bit of pizaz to it.

not subtle. but then, nothing in rez was really subtle.

i think in a way subtle pranks are easier because they dont require building things and you can pull them off in one sentence. it has to be believable, not over the top. it’s harder to convince people about Angola.

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