the only things that are keeping me awake

Blaine, WA
Originally uploaded by Dan Lilly

i just looked up at the time and thought ‘damn sam, it’s 5 already?’ seems like it’s three in the afternoon.
i busted out the fedora today. naturally of the Buffalo variety. it was well received and for this i am glad.
i should probably feel more busy than i do right now, what with three class syllabuses on the table, two memos to rework and a final paper proposal to come up with, but i dont.

i like this picture. it reminds me of one spot my dad and i go hunting by the side of a small lake. there’s an old wooden corral that’s half fallen over just like this one with grass and weeds growing all around it. this is one of those pictures where, no matter how stressed or bogged down or whatever you are, you look at it and for a second you forget you’re sitting a a table looking up figures and remember that spot.

For tomorrow…

paper topic: an analysis of the framing of the Afghanistan issue on the federal agenda.

condensed memo: compulsory innovative green technology fund to develop emissions reducing technologies in Alberta, and a suggested target baseline of 2005 emissions levels.

clinic: ask doctor to take pity and give me Ativan so i don’t go nuts getting all those fucking vaccinations.

For next week (even though we have no class….)…

redraft: policy actions to improve federal energy incentives

PCO memo: recommendations on telecom spectrum auction

paper section: determinants of Canadian personal vehicle travel to the US at all road crossings in 2005 including table of functions and expected values.

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