team ninja boots?

i have four months to enjoy scenes like this because after that i’m off to Dhaka, Bangladesh on a CIDA internship.

yes, indeed it’s true, after an adjudicating meeting with three profs i’ll be one of two people heading around the world for the summer on taxpayer dollars.
what could possibly be better?
the impending viewing of Cloverfield, says I.  well, maybe not better, but it’s up there. six months is a long goddamn wait for a movie. anyway, im currently sitting by a very large window at the Renaissance Coffee in the Cornerstone building up at SFU because i ran around like mad earlier doing shit that i thought would take more time and it took not as much time so now i have more time to kill.
windows like this are fun because you can see everyone who walks by. take for instance my friend nancy who just walked by outside who i havent seen in forever who didnt look inside. take for a second instance that super hot girl that just walked by and DID look in and smile right back. if microsoft could make windows this good, there’d never be problems.
this is the second time today ive had to kill some time. earlier four of us went to the Movieland Arcade on granville after an hour and a half library session on database mining…fun… i never used to go to arcades at all really. now there’s the odd time where a few of us go to play racing games and Big Buck Hunter. which was actually pretty funny because Dan came with us for the first time ad couldnt shoot for shit cause he wasnt reloading fast enough so i told him to pretend the pump was his dick and that he was whacking off and wouldnt you know it, he reloaded wayyyyy faster after that.
no interesting people have walked by in the last few seconds. this window is losing its usefulness aside from letting light in.
ok, some girl just walked by with one of those gigantic shoulder bag purse things. i dont understand those. seriously, are they a purse, are they a bag are they a body bag? do you really need a suitcase to go to school every day?
maybe i’ll go get a brownie…

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