is that spandex or tattoos?

holy. fucking. shit.

im sorry to all the other concerts ive been to, but you all just got knocked down a peg in the standings. and i do not say this lightly, but even the reigning #1 champions since 2002, the mighty Tool, have even fallen.

make way for the new #1.

RHCP rocked my fucking socks off. or. they rocked all my clothes and left a tube sock.

danielle and i were rockin out so much and oh my god it was fucking AMAZING!!!

the lightshow…oh my god how do you even start about it? it was the first stop on the tour where they had the setup they do, and it is fucking unbelievably spec fucking tacular!!! mike and everett agreed that as soon as the lights came on we were all just thinking “holy fucking shit this so so cool!”

my audio blog of it sounds like ass. ignore it.

smelly has pictures to come. i will steal one or two.

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