eleven is standing still

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today was chock full of those moments where you wish you do an eyeroll but you probably shouldn’t. it was also full of those moments where you just want to shake your fist at something and go “FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!” but you probably shouldn’t be that loud. so it ends up being one of those days where you just sit there, shake your head and make a snarky comment because your morning is full of “for fucks sake…”

and then by some fluke which could have gone well or totally and utterly shitballs, it goes the better way and you finally get some communication that would have been nice a while ago.

before when that happened, all I could really do was come home and have a scotch or a beer. now I can come home and have a scotch or a beer and sit in the kiwitub that’s currently occupying part of our deck. oh you’ve never heard of a kiwitub? pfff sucks to be you. before I’d heard about it last week I’d have been all “pffff I don’t know what a kiwitub is?” too, but now I do, so I’m not. HAH. see how that works?

the pictures on the website show people who’ve attached an outboard to it. I totally want to try that. or empty it and ride it down a hill. that thing would be fucking EPIC on a good snowy hill. except maybe the inevitable crashing part… I bet someone’s already tried that. it’s from New Zealand. if anyone would try something like that it would be a kiwi.

I found these things called kiwi berries a while ago at Sobey’s. they’re like grape sized kiwi fruit and are delicious. so, you know, if you want to drop like $6 for half a pint, I’d say go for it.