don’t cheat! love your meat!

i have to remember that the whole staying up til 3am watching x-files isn’t the way to get a decent sleep and be able to wake up before 10. oh season 5, you’re going to waste so much of my time in the next few days which i shouldnt really waste…

i went to pick up the pictures im using for my exhibit in january today. i had them done at london drugs, and i go in and hand the photo lady the pickup slip, and she keys it in and all of a sudden i go ‘uhhhhhhhh…..’ cause the screen is telling me the total is $431 and the slip said $239. so i ask if it’s four hundred some cause if it is, fuck that im not paying that for prints. but then she started busting out the coupons and rebate things cause apparently you get a shitload of them with an order this big. i had over $218 in coupon savings. plus, apparently the photo person who developed them decided to make me a second print of everything at no charge. fuck yeah!

now it’s only a matter of doing a short write up for each one… and deciding on how to go about the opening night thing. which is ok cause i get to plan it with the woman who’s second in command at Harbour Center. or first. i dunno, she’s up there somewhere in charge.

i went with my sister today to swap the camera bag she got me for christmas cause apparently my mom never told her she was getting me the Crumpler. i wanted to swap for a MB-200 vertical battery grip or a Lens Baby Composer, or if i felt no guilt at all, a Tokina 10-17mm fisheye.

FOUR STORES, fouuuuuur camera stores i went to and do you think they have any of them?



and that includes the best camera store in Edmonton.

they had no vertical grips, no fisheyes, and they only had Olympus mounts for any Lensbaby stuff, which they only had the 2.0 or 3G anyway. who the fuck only has Olympus mounts?? i don’t even know anyone who uses Olympus at all. i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone use Olympus anything, not even a point and shoot. so i think after i get home tomorrow i’ll pop over to Kerrisdale camera that’s over by Meterotown and see if they have one.

i have onion breath cause we’re having a fondue for our parent’s anniversary, and whilst i was prepping the veggies i was eating some of the pieces that did not meet par. i used to hate onions. i also used to loathe mushrooms. not just dislike, but genuinely loathe them. now i’ll eat them raw or cooked whenever. especially red onion grilled on a BBQ. oooooooh yeah.

i have a chocolate dreidle.