jazz hands

i havent been getting the best sleep lately. usually when this happens i just motor through things and eventually i’ll crash and then sleep again. last night i figured i’d try to do a little recreational reading to tire me out and help me fall asleep.
i think it would have worked if i hadn’t stayed up til 4am reading… and then waking up at about 9 and tossing around until 10:30 and then finally hauling my ass out of bed and downtown to do some work. i was planning on staying here til about 6, but i’ve since decided no fucking way and now im thinking maybe more like 3 and then going home and taking a nap. besides, it’s not like the day has been a total bust. i have managed to get a few page in to my social policy paper. i like it when they’re supposed to be double spaced cause then that means a 20 page paper is only really 9 or 10.
i’ve done a few days worth of googling, google scholaring, and SFU librarying about the BC Healthy Kids Program and have discovered there isn’t a total wealth of information on it. so, you know, if you have any input, feel free to throw it my way.

i am le ugh.