that rent-a-cop is bad apples

so, i think a new pet peeve of mine is people who dont know how to pronounce simple words in class.
it seriously grates in my mind.
how fucking hard is it to say them right?
it’s not componense. its COM-PO-NENTS.
it’s not advertisssents. its AD-VER-TISE-MENTS.
it’s not advockacys. it’s AD-VO-CACY.
and really, we dont need you to inform us many times in the same sentence that you’re going to give us all the low down on the articles which we’ve all read prior to class.

a prof you ask?

nay, a fellow student given the chance to prove intelligence.
you fail.

and then in another class theres this one chick who cant go through life without saying ‘like’ at least 8 times in a sentence. and im not joking. shes been in some of my classes before and ive counted and averaged it out. she says LIKE an average of 8 times every time she opens her mouth.
were i the prof of that class i’d enforce a “maximum of two ‘likes’ per speaking opportunity” rule, and if you break it then your question doesnt get answered until you learn how to speak without butchering the language you use.