we’re not lazy, we’re municipal workers

i feel better today. it was a lazy ass day, but it was a good day. here’s about how it broke down:
7:25 – get to SAP
7:30 – sit in shop for 20 minutes while we all shoot the shit
7:50 – put out high jump mats with sheena
8:20 – take golf cart out to diamond #4, look at grass, talk to leslie for a while
8:30 take X-Mark out to diamond #4 and cut the infield
9:00 – load up back of truck with stuff to take over to Millenium Place with Wayne and Ellert
9:30 – coffee break #1
9:45 – head out to Millenium with Ellert and Wayne. drive by three timmy’s trying to find the shortest line.
10:00 – drive to Public Services Yard to pick up cushman to drive over to Millenium fields
10:30 – unknowingly drive right by the Oilers in the parking lot of Millenium where they were practicing today. it was pretty funny cause there was a buttload of millenium place workers out in vests telling people they couldnt park in the rear lot and i come flying by in the cushman and they just get out of the way to let me by. should have slowed down and taken a look to see if i could have said hi to someone…
10:40 – attach metal drag mat to cushman and spin doughnuts in a pile of dirt for 45 minutes. yes. spin doughnuts. legitimately. it was epic. and you have to consider that the cushman is a shitty fucking open air turf vehicle with a crappy turning radius, but if you stand on the passenger side, floor the gas, put it in 2nd gear, lean way over to the right and crank the wheel right as hard as you fucking can, it just about goes on two wheels but it gets the job done.
11:30 – put flags out to mark all the valve boxes for the fields
11:45 – take cushman over to the Science Park…never fucking doing that shit again. it goes like 40 and you have to take it through the industrial area where the speed limit is 70 and there are huge fucking big rigs coming from every which way.
12:10 – pull into science park. spit grit and dist out of mouth.
12:20 – hop back into truck with ellert and wayne. go to Sobe’s to get lunch.
12:30 – back to SAP for lunch
12:45 – get ready to go back over to the science park to drop wayne off so he can pick up a tractor and seeder.
12:50 – Jim comes over and says we’re having a short tailgate meeting in which he says that we’re pretty much going to war with Turf Maintenance over equipment.
1:00 – Dick (foreman) comes out and tells us that there’s a dead goose at Broadmoor lake, and wayne and i need to use masks gloves and full body paper coveralls to pick it up, bag it and toss it cause Fish and Wildlife cant be bothered to drive over for 5 minutes and do it.
1:05 – Jim says to also pick up the mail at the Rec office. finally leave.
1:15 – take truck off road in the park. find dead goose. bag dead goose. go pick up mail…there is no mail…ok…leave for science park.
1:40 – get to science park, ellert is already there with another tractor. the seeder is supposed to be ready. it wont fit on the tractor we want to use right. 6 county workers stand around tractor and seeder for a good hour trying to make it fit better.
2:30ish – head back over to millenium with wayne. pick weeds off big fucking pile of dirt.
3:30 – back to SAP.
4:00 – go home.

it isnt always this lax…a lot of the time…not always.

on the way back to SAP from millenium wayne asked if i had a blog. i said ya. he said he didnt really understand what motivates people to have them. so i told him about my sociology paper i did on the creation of online communites and cultures focusing on the blogosphere. he seemed intruiged.


from one of my readings:

“Tenacity is explained as firmly held views, authority as the word of someone important, and intuition speaks for itself- none of these can be serious contenders in justifying the existence of knowledge.” (Tribe, 1997)

i think this is a fucking brilliant assertion. at first it kind of threw me off because of the assertation that an authoritative source can’t be considered as conclusive proof of any sort of knowledge. pretty much every communication and sociology class i’ve ever taken has told me that primary, or authoritative, sources are the best kind to use to back up a statement with hard facts and truths. but then i thought about it, and realized that this statement is right. why is it important? who says that it’s important? who makes who said it an important person? let’s say a famous physicist says something about the structure of the universe and everyone agrees that it’s the truth. ok…so? for a student of cultural studies why is this important? how is it real knowledge if it’s a mathematical assumption? likewise, how is McLuhan’s idea of a global village important to the physicist? the physicist didnt make McLuhan important, and might in fact be able to counter a global village idea with a mathematical formula of societal structure. so what’s left of the structure of knowledge that’s been created on both sides? if each one can effectively argue that neither is actual fact, does that in essence mean that no knowledge is real knowledge?

if tenacity is a firmly held belief then are all evangelists ministers of truth? maybe they arent an authoritative source, but tenacity holds knowledge to bear. it keeps it afloat in a world of constant criticism. what if Einstein hadnt had the tenacity to work on Relativity? where would that leave us? but tenacity is only an opinion so it can’t be true knowledge. the same goes for intuition.

so after i read that and reflected on it i agreed with it. the simplest way i can explain this is thusly:

you take a deductive statement. you say that your deductive statement is the truth, it is representative of a body of knowledge. someone comes along and simply says “no, you’re wrong.” you’re deductive statetment suddenly becomes an inference because now there’s an alternate opinion. and i know that people will argue that a deductive statement is arrived at after you look at all the cases available but that doesnt mean they’re going to last forever. ie: twenty years ago scientists deduced that black holes did not exist. today they agree they do. destruction of deduction. evolution of knowledge is dependant on the constant breakdown of it by alternate ideas.

ok…enough of that…

we get to look after the dog next door this week. chocolate lab names Jersey. im not ususally a dog person anymore but this dog is ok. im gonna go sit outside now.