in media res….and by res i mean lab

im in the media lab again tonight. you’d be surprised how fast you get sick of staring at kids ads. i found a funny picture.
i still havent quite gotten the hang out the default blogging settings on the Macs down here. they lack in menu buttons, but thats ok i’ll fix it later.
got a call this morning from one of my bosses at home confirming that i’ll be back again this summer. plus i get a bit a raise and more op1 time this summer. *happy dance*
i also had my Team Leader interview. i think it went well, i know a bunch of ppl applied for it and for a CA position which i think is stupid cause now they have to wait to see if they dont get a CA spot before they can consider them for a TL position. seriously, if you want the CA position so bad why bother applying to be a TL?
I had no pants for the interview. I also lacked pants for my interview with the BC Lions. only this time Oyvind wasnt home so i just went and bought a pair this morning. and i found a cool fucking fedora so i bought that too.
ok…i didnt bring any food other than water and cadbury cream eggs, so i think i’ll go up to cornerstone and see if there’s food there.

current mood: “Song For the Girl” by Matthew Good