William Horn, would you like to phone a friend?

The official response to my questions from mayoral candidate William Horn is:

“Time is a very precious thing at present with 4 forums this week, 3 televisions stations lobbying for my time, campaigning, writing bios, working, answering email (emphasis mine), organizing volunteers, planning postal mailings, writing newspaper responses, and although you pose good questions, you are asking for my plans if I get elected. Hmmmm”

I suppose 14 days isn’t enough time to answer an email that Mr. Horn says is something that he’s busy doing?

Yes Mr. Horn, I am asking your plans if you get elected, that’s what happens when your goal is to be elected to office. Answering what you say are good questions with a facetious sounding ‘hmmmm’ at the end of an email isn’t answering questions, it’s dodging them.

You’ve listed what you feel are problems with the way Red Deer is run on facebook, yet your plans for actually solving any of them are few and far between on there. If asking how you will solve them results in a non-answer now, how can Red Deer residents expect you to answer their questions if you actually hold office?

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